Health Sciences Home

Health Sciences Office - How to Contact:

Phone: 707-527-4272 - leave your name, phone number, program about which you're inquiring and/or faculty member you're trying to reach.  We will call you back with information or forward your question to the appropriate staff/faculty.

Email: include your name, preferred email address, program with which you're inquiring and/or faculty member you're trying to reach.  We will then respond to your email or route it to the appropriate staff/faculty.


Mission & Vision:

The Mission of the Santa Rosa Junior College Health Sciences Department is to educate a diverse community of healthcare students and facilitate their development into culturally sensitive, competent, caring, ethical, and professional healthcare providers.

Our Vision is to improve health outcomes in the communities we serve by graduating exceptional healthcare providers that are committed to service, leadership, and lifelong learning.


Strategic Goals:

Support & promote academic excellence in educating healthcare professionals to meet current and projected workforce needs.

Engage students & spark intellectual curiosity in learner-centered environments by using innovative technologies and modern equipment with progressive and challenging curriculum.

Initial training occurs in the William B. Race Health Sciences Building, a 38,500 square-foot multifunctional facility located on the Santa Rosa Campus. Built entirely with funds from the College and local community, the Race Building reflects the strong and creative partnership between the College and community with state-of-the-art dental clinics, nursing skills laboratories, a radiologic technology facility, and lecture rooms capable of distance education.

Race Building Map

Integrate academic & student support services across the college by responding to student needs as the first priority and demonstrating our core values of…

  • Learning
  • Academic Excellence
  • Sustainability
  • Diversity
  • Community
  • Compassion
  • Innovation

Identify & implement responsive instructional practices that increase the learning & success of our diverse students.

Students who complete SRJC’s Health Sciences programs pass their licensing exams with a consistent success rate close to 100 percent.

Collaborate and partner with community agencies by engaging our students and employees in community service and externships.

  • Hospitals & Clinics
  • Rehabilitation Units
  • Senior Living Facilities
  • Pharmacies
  • Private medical and dental offices

For more information on each of our programs, please click on the links above.

I look forward to meeting you as you begin your health care career.

Tammy Sakanashi, MS, RDN
Dean, Health Sciences 
Room 4062, William B. Race Building 
Telephone: (707) 527-4272 
Fax: (707) 527-4426
Santa Rosa Campus


Organizational Chart

Health Sciences Org Chart